I gotta say, my New Year started out well....I mean, really, it's like it's really a NEW Year! (For those who know me well, you can proabaly relate in one way or another...) But setting aside the fact that I failed to accomplish some of my supposed resolutions, I managed to start my year well, or at least fair enough...reasons why:
1.) I'm back at Taekwondo (I missed it after my little "accident" back then)
2.) I'm surprisingly improving at Math (really! I know I'm really bad at Math especially Linear Equations and Linear Inequalities are the lessons, but after Sir Jared let us hear the song "Equation" by Ryon Lovett, I started to grow attatched to Math! I got so hooked up to the lyrics...."Me and you make up a perfect equation...", trust me, I'm not the only one....right, Gayle? xD)
3.) I got an iPod...(on the back of my mind: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
4.) The strangest and most awkward and doubting of all: (and it involves him) Aldrich Ramirez, president of I - St. Ambrose and captain of our Taekwondo team, came up to me one day at lunch and actually WELCOMED me back to the team...(if you know me well, you're right if you think I'm looking like a suspicious Gokudera Hayato right now)
it's awkward, I mean, most of the people I know (most, MOST) are aware of my uneasiness when it comes to Aldrich Ramirez. Not because I hate him, but because...I'm not in his league. He's everything (ok, ALMOST everything) a girl wants from a guy. While on my case, well...let's just say I'm not boyfriend material. But nontheless, Aldrich and I are just polar opposites. We only have one common interest: Taekwondo. Even at that field, we always repel.
I just hope Aldrich and the rest of I - St. Ambrose are not aware of this...
anyway, so I just mentioned New Year, check...
oh yeah, forgot to mention...
Happy Sixth Monthsary, Dimagiba Boys of I - St. Angelico!!!
~~~~~(source: Renzo's own typing)
Dimagiba is the group of the noisiest, craziest, wildest and most awkward boys of I - St. Angelico. It consists of eight boys; the boss and the seven subordinates. Billy, Julian, Revou, JC, Renzo, Dave, Justin and Daniel (that's me) are under the leadership of their boss, Christian.
Billy - Bespren
Julian - Scotch Brite
Revou - Bambino
JC - Wankarloz
Renzo - MigsRenz
Dave - Gaspe
Justin - Catalan
Daniel - Sipa
Christian - Fuugow
~Happy New Year, minna...
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